Management software

Management software2025-01-21T15:08:40+01:00

Access our business management software as a secure hosted service, from any browser with a simple Internet connection


Access to the entire WinEUR management software suite via the Internet, 24 hours a day: all your data is stored on a secure server in Switzerland, and this service enables you to work collaboratively with peace of mind between parent company and subsidiaries, and between you and your fiduciary ( Cloud accounting software).

The strengths of a CLOUD solution

  • 24-hour access wherever you are
  • Reliable access to management software
  • Collaborative working
  • Software always available in its latest version
  • Automated data archiving
  • No update, deployment or maintenance constraints
  • Cost control: annual costs are budgeted
  • Backups included

What our customers have to say...

L. A., MAZARS Group, manager Sion office.

4 reasons to choose a Cloud solution

L. A., manager of Mazars Switzerland's Sion office, explains why he chosea Cloud solution for access to all WinEUR accounting and payroll software.

Accessibility... 24 hours a day, anytime from anywhere, our data is stored in a single location.

Security.... All our data is automatically backed up and protected: we can give our customers guarantees. No problem with lost or stolen computers: all data is stored in the Cloud.

Sharing & flexibility... Services are tailored to our internal needs and those of our customers. The solution enables collaborative working not only between our employees, but also between our customers and our employees: data can be shared almost in real time.

Updating... The maintenance of our solutions is invisible to us: it's automatic and all our software is systematically updated. This saves everyone time, and our staff can concentrate solely on their core business. Thanks to this Cloud environment, we are seeing an optimization in productivity, as we rarely encounter IT problems.

In short, opt for WinEUR applications via a Cloud solution:

  • makes our day-to-day work and relationship with our customers easier,
  • provides an almost immediate response to their needs,
  • and offers them a service they greatly appreciate, as they can access their data from anywhere, at any time.

All our customers, as well as the MAZARS Switzerland Group, are very satisfied with this way of working and collaborating, as it is synonymous with simplicity and flexibility, while ensuring that all data is secure.

The MAZARS Group, which has been present in Switzerland since 1975, has been loyal to WinEUR solutions for over 20 years. The group employs over 150 professionals in offices in Geneva, Fribourg, Lausanne, Sion and Zurich. MAZARS offers services in the fields of auditing, taxation, business consulting and accounting and financial support.
Find out more about the Mazars Group: